Customer Service & Sales ONLINE Class (Customer Service Credential Flyer)
Class Date: September 9 – October 18, 2024
Instructor: S. Wallace
Tuition: $600
Workforce Credential Grant (WCG): $200

Customer Service and Sales Certification IN PERSON Class
Class Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays
Class Date: Fall 2024
Class Times:
Location:  Camp Workforce Center – Franklin Campus
Instructor: A. Artis
Tuition: $600.00
Workforce Credential Grant (WCG): $200

The Customer Service and Sales curriculum is designed to help entry-level sales and service associates learn skills related to frontline work in retail (or any industry that values customer service and sales skills). Individuals taking the course will learn:

       • Products and services
       • Assessing and meeting customer needs
       • Preparing for selling, gaining customer commitment and closing the sale
       • The basics of store operations and inventory control
       • The process of merchandising
       • The importance of common employability skills
       • Crafting a polished resume